The GRE exam is required by many grad schools to be admitted to their program. It is a computer based test that requires each prospective grad student to answer questions related to verbal reasoning and quantitative math, while also writing two analytical essays. This type of "entry exam" is based off the archaic mythological archetype of the intellectual. It's belief is still rooted in the concept that nearly every supposed "intellect" needs to be an exemplary test taker in order to achieve status in higher academia.
This notion isn't only wrong, it's also discrimination against a lot of powerful minds that suffer under the pressure of test anxieties. The people that still insist on keeping these types of examines alive are not up to date with modern day academics. Instead, they are on their hands and knees trying to pleasure an impotent old idea that's past its prime. It makes students obsess over scores instead of encouraging them to learn. But this is the education system that America has created. It is one that lacks the creativity to push the boundaries but chooses to instigate narrow minded thinkers.
I'll leave you with a quote by Albert Einstein:
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
HA, I love the way you write. I completely agree with your comment. I am one of those people who cracks under pressure during test time. IT is true that it has led me to believe that I am not at the level of intellect that I should be to succeed. I now realize that we all learn differently and apply the material in different ways. One test can not determine how it is every unique mind applies intellectuality and intelligence. I have found when there is no pressure of exams that I learn the material a lot faster and retain it for longer periods of time. I even come to enjoy my education; with all the money we are paying we should be able to at least do that.